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2018 Week 4 of Great Fast – Devotional & Scripture

Devotional based on the writings of St. John Chrysostom “On the Five Ways to Repentance"

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Let me describe to you five ways of repentance; each is different, but all point toward heaven.

  1. Acknowledgement of Sins
    The first road is the acknowledgment of sins. If you acknowledge your sins to God, He will forgive you; and this act of acknowledgment will help you stop sinning. Let your conscience be your accuser, so that you will not have to face a far different accuser at the Lord’s tribunal.
  2. Forgetting the Wrongs of Others
    The second road of repentance is the forgetting of the wrongs of others. This requires you to control your temper and to forgive the sins that others have committed against you. If you forgive others, the Lord will forgive you.
  3. Prayer
    The third road is prayer: not perfunctory routine prayer, but fervent, passionate prayer in which you lay yourself wholly before God.
  4. Generosity
    The fourth road is generosity, in which by acts of thoughtful love you make amends for the sins you have committed.
  5. Humility
    And the fifth road is humility, whereby you regard yourself as having no virtue, but only sins to offer to God; He will then take the burden of sin from your back.

At times it will be right to travel on one of these roads, at other times to travel on another. But ensure that every day you walk along at least one of them.

Fourth Sunday of Fifty days Lent

Canaanite Woman

St. Luke 5:17-26
St. Luke 7:1-10
Before Holy Qurbana
I Samuel 7:10-17
Numbers 17:1-8
Isaiah 56:1-7
Holy Qurbana
Acts 4:1-12
Romans 7:14-25
St. Matthew 15:21-31

Fourth Monday of Fifty days Lent

Leviticus 16:1-17
Amos 6:1-9
Acts 14:19-15:3
II Corinthians 11:1-15
St. Mark 12:35-44

Fourth Tuesday of Fifty days Lent

St. Matthew 20:1-16
Numbers 28:1-8
I Samuel 21:1-9
Acts 14:8-22
I Corinthians 16:13-24
St. Matthew 11:25-12:8

Fourth Wednesday of Fifty days Lent(Mid Lent)

St. Matthew 17:22-27
St. John 3:13-21
Before Holy Qurbana
Numbers 21:4-9
Psalms 34:1-9
Zechariah 12:6-14
Holy Qurbana
Acts 15:22-33
II Corinthians 9:1-15
St. John 3:13-21

Fourth Thursday of Fifty days Lent

St. Luke 15:11-32
Deuteronomy 5:6-22
Psalms 41:1-3
Proverbs 22:1-12
St. James 4:1-17
Acts 15:35-40
II Corinthians 1:13-22
St. Matthew 19:16-26

Fourth Friday of Fifty days Lent

St. Luke 16:19-3
Leviticus 19:9-18
Daniel 9:1-11
Acts 16:1-7
II Corinthians 12:19-13:13
St. Luke 17:1-10

Fourth Saturday of Fifty days Lent

Before Holy Qurbana
Genesis 18:1-15
I Samuel 9:1-8
Holy Qurbana
Acts 16:8-15
I Corinthians 9:14-27
St. Luke 9:10-17
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