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Announcement from the Diocesan Chancery

As a precautionary measure, His Grace Zachariah Mar Nicholovos, Metropolitan has directed that all major gatherings of our Diocese to be postponed until further notice - specifically: the Diocesan Lenten Retreat at Holy Transfiguration Retreat Center, Morth Mariam Vanitha Samajam Delegates meeting at St George Malankara Orthodox Church Fairless Hills, PA, and all area Lenten Retreats of the MGOCSM of the Northeast American Diocese.

Such preventive/precautionary actions will be removed once Center of Disease Control (CDC) and other government agencies relax such measures. His Grace requests all to uphold those infected with COVID-19 in our prayers, along with those in medical field who are caring for those who are sick, and infected.

Echoing His Grace’s recent circular Kalpana (CK No. 7/2020), these acts are merely precautionary measures to prevent the spreading of COVID-19. All are encouraged to wash hands thoroughly and frequently, cover your coughs and sneezes. If you are feeling ill, seek medical advice.

May the Heavenly Physician, our Lord Jesus Christ, heal all those who are struck by this virus. May our Lord grant grace, strength and courage to those who are to combating this virus.

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