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Diocese Establishes Procedures for Reporting Sexual Misconduct Allegations

The Northeast American Diocese has always upheld the sacred tenet that all women and men are created in the image and likeness of God. The respect, dignity, and purity of women and men are divinely mandated rights. Any type of violence or abuse is unacceptable. The diocese has always held a zero-tolerance policy against all forms of abuse, especially when it comes to dealing with minors.
The Diocese is formally establishing the Procedures for Reporting Sexual Misconduct Allegations, and an Office of Victim Support to assist in the review of such allegations. This policy and protocol have been undergone a series of strenuous reviews since May 2020 and will receive revisions from time to time. This will remain available on the Diocesan Website for public access, and awareness.
His Grace Zachariah Mar Nicholovos stated the following: "any sexual misconduct - be it abuse, rape, harassment, inappropriate touching, etc. - which happens by an ordained clergyman or lay leader of the Diocese is to be reported to the civil authorities. In addition to this, your written complaint must be submitted to the Chancery of the Northeast American Diocese. As the Metropolitan of this Diocese, we continue to offer efforts to prevent such inappropriate misconduct, especially from the ordained clergy of the Diocese. We will partner with the victim to report any allegations to the authorities and to investigate such allegations and take all necessary canonical action."
The Northeast American Diocese of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church seeks to provide a safe and healthy environment for all of our faithful - men and women alike. All allegations will be taken seriously and investigated appropriately while protecting the identity of the victim.
 Click here to read the Metropolitian Order 
Click here to read the Procedures for Reporting Sexual Misconduct Allegations 
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