With faith in Christ and in the hope of resurrection, we share the sad news Very Reverend Dr. Mathai Yohannan Sankarathil Chor Episcopos, passed away on the evening of Saturday, March 20th.
Achen faithfully served as the Vicar of Saint Thomas Orthodox Church, Long Island, New York for over three decades. Achen was a pioneer priest of our Church in North America, and integral in building up many of our parish communities throughout the Diocese.
The Wake & Funeral services of the Very Reverend Dr. Mathai Yohannan Sankarathil Chor Episcopos will be held at St. Thomas Orthodox Church, located at 110 Schoolhouse Road, Levittown, NY 11756. The schedule for all services is as follows:
Thursday, March 25, 2021 at St. Thomas Orthodox Church, Levittown
Wake - 4PM to 8PM
Friday, March 26, 2021 at St. Thomas Orthodox Church, Levittown
Wake - 4PM to 8PM
Saturday, March 27, 2021 at St. Thomas Orthodox Church, Levittown
9AM - Rite of Burial for Priests
Due to COVID-19 Protocol, the Interment Service at Maple Grove Cemetery will be strictly private.
All Services will be presided by our Diocesan Metropolitan, His Grace Zachariah Mar Nicholovos.
All services will be live-streamed, for our faithful to participate. All COVID-19 precautions and protocol must be adhered to. For more information on the burial services, and live-stream link please check www.stthomasli.org or the church's Facebook page.
Let us keep our departed Achen in our prayers, especially the grieving family, and parishioners of Saint Thomas Church, Long Island.
May the memory of Very Reverend Dr. Mathai Yohannan Sankarathil Chor Episcopos, be eternal!