News & Events

Memo from Metropolitan on Relief Efforts for Hurricane Harvey

Our Diocesan Metropolitan issued the following memo to the clergy and faithful of our Diocese this morning:

Blessings to our Very Reverend Chor Episcopoi, Reverend Fathers, Reverend Deacons and faithful of the Northeast American Diocese!

Dearly beloved,

This memo serves as a follow up to our Kalpana issued earlier this week, in regards to our Diocese's Relief efforts to Hurricane Harvey.

Aside from offering financial assistance through the generous support from our faithful, we felt it would be meaningful for our faithful to create hygiene kits/emergency buckets. Our Diocese is working with Church World Services (CWS) in relief efforts.

We have asked the Marth Mariam Vanitha Samajam, MGOCSM and Sunday School ministries of our Diocese to assist in coordinating the creation of hygiene kits. This would be a great relief to those suffering from the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey.

All parish Marth Mariam Vanitha Samajam, MGOCSM and Sunday School ministries are requested and encouraged to work with our Diocesan level ministries in implementing service events to make these emergency kits to aid those who were affected by this storm.

Please view flyer for more details and instructions.

As an example, the Long Island Area is planning to make hygiene kits by collecting donations and buying items in bulk. Sample cost of items are as follows:

  • Wash Cloth-$.47
  • Nail Clippers- $.40
  • Hand Towels- $3.84
  • Soap- $0.20
  • Comb- $0.32
  • Toothbrush- $0.09
  • Ziploc bag ~ $0.14
  • Band Aids~ $0.40
  • Tax ~ $0.13
  • Processing Fee- 2.00
  • Total: 7.99

We suggested a donation of $50 which would make 5 hygiene kits. CWS also requires relief buckets which cost more to make ($75 to $100 per bucket) but there is an urgent need for this. Volunteers will gather to assemble the kits.

Let us open our hearts during this time of tragedy. Our Christian service is needed very much during such trying times. Please keep the victims of this terrible disaster in your prayers.

Yours in our Lord,

Zachariah Nicholovos, Metropolitan

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